KAMASUTRA: The Palanquin Position

KAMASUTRA: The Palanquin Position

Categories : Kamasutra

Spice up your lovemaking with the palanquin, a sporty position in the Kamasutra, to say the least.

Are you bored with the comfort of the bed?

To make the palanquin, the woman stands on the edge of a bed, a chair or any other low piece of furniture, without forgetting to check its solidity! The man comes to stand behind his companion while she bends her knees. Back and chest are glued. The man holds his partner's buttocks to help her maintain a sitting posture.

For her part, the woman clings to her lover's forearms. The most important thing in this Kamasutra position is to manage to keep your balance! To do this, the woman can lean the torso forward slightly.

The palanquin, a Kamasutra position for whom?

The palanquin is a position in the Kamasutra made for sportswomen. You'll need a steel buttock and thigh to hold this position without exhausting yourself. And a good sense of balance so you don't break your face! Your man should have strong biceps. If all these conditions are met, the palanquin is sure to give ardor to your lovemaking.

It's a change from the bed's routine and you treat yourself to a little workout at the same time! The Kamasutra has no shortage of original and fun positions. Let yourself be tempted by the service staircase or Union de l'Amazone to experience a moment of acrobatic madness.


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